Bath with clover Take 50 grams of dry meadow clover and pour one liter (4 cups) of hot water. After two hours of infusion, add to the bath, the water temperature of which should not exceed 37 degrees. It is necessary to do the procedures before going to bed for two weeks. The duration of vantin pills is from ten to fifteen minutes.

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To speed up the process of healing wounds on the feet with diabetic angiopathy, traditional medicine offers compresses and dressings based on medicinal plants and oils. Herbal dressings To buy vantin pills a compress, you need to grind the ingredient included in the recipe and apply to ulcers. The mass is fixed with a gauze bandage. Before applying the composition, the feet must be washed with warm water. After removing the bandage, the feet should be rinsed and put on clean cotton socks. The frequency of herbal compresses is two to three times a day.

Prevention of diabetic angiopathy. For persons at risk, it is necessary to systematically take blood tests for sugar content. This should be done in accordance with a special schedule, which the therapist will help to draw up. People who are obese or who have close relatives with diabetes should check their sugar levels several times a week. Today on sale there are special devices that facilitate the task of self-checking the amount of sugar in the blood. Timely response to an increase in blood sugar will help prevent the development of cefpodoxime pills.

Foot care plays an important role in the prevention of diabetic angiopathy. Keep your feet clean and follow all the rules for caring for them. If the skin of the legs is dry, it is necessary to use moisturizing creams, which include urea. Shoes must be worn comfortable, not causing discomfort (rubbing, squeezing). Preference should be given to leather shoes with insoles made of natural materials. Choose shoes with a wide toe and low heels. Avoid wearing socks made of synthetic materials. Make sure that your feet are not exposed to hypothermia or overheating. Avoid abrasions, bruises, cuts. Timely treatment of corns and calluses, the use of antiseptic agents and a systematic examination of the feet will help to avoid complications in diabetes.

The problem of diabetes mellitus throughout the world is defined as medical and social, it is so widespread. Among all endocrine diseases, diabetes accounts for 70%, and worldwide there are about 120-150 million people affected by this disease. But not only the disease itself brings people suffering. Its various complications are very dangerous. And one of cefpodoxime formidable for a person is diabetic angiopathy - damage to the arteries.